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In this tutorial, we learn Japanese slang "kakkoii" or "cool." The word we will learn is "kakkoii," which describes something that is cool, looks awesome, or sounds cool. So, if you wanted to describe ...

In this video we learn how to say "I love you" in Japanese tutorial. Japanese words take a lot of different ones and expressions to say. To learn how to say this in Japanese, you first need to listen ...

In this video we learn how to pronounce the Japanese "R" sound. About 90% of people learning this language have problems saying this. The "R" sound is a combination of different sounds, not just the " ...

In this video, we learn how to use Japanese expressions for "lazy". This is difficult to translate for most people, because of how it's expressed and said. Mendo-Kusai is expressing something you don' ...

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to turn a statement into a question in Japanese. With Japanese, as with any other language, a few key nouns and phrases (and knowing how to properl ...

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to do basic counting in Japanese. With Japanese, as with any other language, a few key nouns and phrases (and knowing how to properly pronounce the ...

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to make use of handy train-related vocabulary in Japanese. With Japanese, as with any other language, a few key nouns and phrases (and knowing how ...

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to use basic hotel vocabulary in Japanese. With Japanese, as with any other language, a few key nouns and phrases (and knowing how to properly pron ...

In this free video language lesson, you'll learn how to flirt in Japanese. With Japanese, as with any other language, a few key nouns and phrases (and knowing how to properly pronounce them) can go a ...